miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013

My first day

My name is Alejandra Portavella and I am a first year student of Primary Education in Blanquerna. Yesterday, 29th of October, was my first day as an english teacher in Paco Candel School, a school from l'Hospitalet de Llobregat. I was really nervous and excited at the same but it ended up really good!   I spent for about an hour preparing the class, first I did a warm up where I wanted to introduce myself to the kids and get to know them that's why I prepared a song that I discovered in Youtube. The song is called "What's your name?"  and I took it from DreamEnglishKids, I really recommend this Youtube Chanel for kids. After that we practiced the parts of the face with a song and the last activity was about numbers. I really enjoyed my first day there! 

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